
Five Four Clothing January Review


So I'll start by saying I am not a model by any means! Now that the disclaimer has been made, I'll say I know how to rock this brand well. The brand is Five Four Clothing and every month I will do a review of the clothes that they send me.

Five Four Clothing is a site that specializes in custom clothing for men. Different styles ranging from casual, hippie, to urban professional with new designs every month. "Each package is valued at a minimum of $120 and up retail prices guaranteeing a minimum of 50% off and free shipping." Your thinking the price is expensive but its all for $60 a month.

Now that you have an overview, here are the threads that they sent me in January. One, is a long sleeve, fitted white shirt which was perfect and went well with the second item they sent me. A heavy knitted button down jacket thats perfect for the spring time.  Ideally, its not warm in Boston for me to wear it just yet but I'm please overall at the quality merchandise they have sent me this january.

Click this link and get $15 off your first package: